You can get help around the clock at Krisendienst Oberfranken (0800 655 3000) or at Telefonseelsorge (0800 111 0 111). You can find further help by clicking on the download button under “Tips and information for the Corona phase”.
Students and doctoral candidates at the University of Bayreuth receive support from the Psychological Counseling Center to overcome study-related and personal difficulties.
Psychological counseling is free of charge, unbureaucratic and subject to confidentiality.
The contact persons in Bayreuth are Barbara Grüninger-Frost, Verena Gödrich, Manuela Eckstein and Svenja Buchner.
Please always make an appointment in advance. The easiest way to do this is via our online calendar. Please only book one appointment at a time and not several. You can find here, or by e-mail. Please also indicate in this e-mail that you are studying in Bayreuth. If you need to talk at short notice (as free appointments), please also contact us by e-mail or phone. Conversations are possible in presence, by phone or via a data-secure video connection. Unfortunately, the data security of e-mails is not high. Therefore, please do not yet describe the symptomatology or the topic to be discussed in terms of content in your e-mail requesting an appointment.
Further information about the psychological counseling of the Studentenwerk Oberfranken can be found here.
The social counseling is offered by Mr. Heiko Rausch. To make an appointment or to clarify questions by phone or in writing, you can find his contact information here