Relaxation methods
Acquiring knowledge through studying is great and often stressful and other life tasks are also often challenging and cause "stress", it is therefore helpful and also worthwhile in the long term to acquire methods with which you can regulate your stress level,
The Studierendenwerk Oberfranken would like to support you in this and offers various courses every semester to learn stress regulation methods.
- Autogenic training
- Progressive muscle relaxation
- MBSR = Mindfulbased stress reduction
- MBCT = mindfulbased cognitive therapy
All methods have been scientifically evaluated for their effectiveness and are taught by trained instructors.
There are contraindications to the use of relaxation methods. Individual suitability should therefore be clarified in advance. Furthermore, learning a relaxation method cannot replace medical and/or psychotherapeutic treatment.
In the autogenic training course, the methodology is explained and practiced in 8 sessions of 1 hour each. The course is free of charge and takes place (depending on demand) both in person and online.
In the progressive muscle relaxation course, the methodology is explained and practiced in 4 sessions of 1h 45m each. The course is free of charge and takes place (depending on demand) both in person and online.
The MBSR and MBCT courses are 8-week programs, each with one 2.5 h appointment/week in presence and one Saturday or Sunday appointment from 10 am to 4 pm. The course costs approx. 90-100 euros.