Menu Bayreuth

Monday, 15.04.2024

Zucchini chili with twisted wholemeal noodles (14, i, a1) € 2,40 € 3,00 € 3,70 € 2,60   
Colourful gyros dish with tzatziki (g, i) € 2,70 € 3,30 € 4,00 € 2,90  
side dish
Smoked bell pepper soup (1, 14, 16, f, g, i) € 0,50 € 0,65 € 0,90 € 0,50  
Eskorial-style vegetables (1,14,f,i)Olive rice (1,3,14,15,16,f,i) (1, 14, f, i) € 0,65 € 0,70 € 0,90 € 0,65  
Eskorial-style vegetables (1,14,f,i)Olive rice (1,3,14,15,16,f,i) (1, 3, 14, 15, 16, f, i) € 0,65 € 0,70 € 0,90 € 0,65  
Cucumber salad (3,l)Basil dressing (1,3,9,15,c,f,g,i,l,a1)Rocket leaves marinade (3,14,15,j,l)Swabian ravioli salad (1,3,9,14,15,c,f,i,j,l,a1)Boiled cauliflower salad (3,14,15,j,l)Kidney bean salad (1,2,3,4,5,f,g,l,a1)SweetcornCabbage salad (3,l) (3, 14, 15, j, l) € 0,75 € 0,80 € 0,95 € 0,75  
Cucumber salad (3,l)Basil dressing (1,3,9,15,c,f,g,i,l,a1)Rocket leaves marinade (3,14,15,j,l)Swabian ravioli salad (1,3,9,14,15,c,f,i,j,l,a1)Boiled cauliflower salad (3,14,15,j,l)Kidney bean salad (1,2,3,4,5,f,g,l,a1)SweetcornCabbage salad (3,l) (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, f, g, l, a1) € 0,75 € 0,80 € 0,95 € 0,75  
Cucumber salad (3,l)Basil dressing (1,3,9,15,c,f,g,i,l,a1)Rocket leaves marinade (3,14,15,j,l)Swabian ravioli salad (1,3,9,14,15,c,f,i,j,l,a1)Boiled cauliflower salad (3,14,15,j,l)Kidney bean salad (1,2,3,4,5,f,g,l,a1)SweetcornCabbage salad (3,l) (1, 3, 9, 14, 15, c, f, i, j, l, a1) € 0,75 € 0,80 € 0,95 € 0,75  
Chips (3) € 1,00 € 1,05 € 1,20 € 1,00  
Mascarpone raspberry quark (14, f, g) € 1,15 € 1,20 € 1,40 € 1,15  
snacks, salads €/100g
Salad bar New Building (e,g)Swabian ravioli salad (1,3,9,14,15,c,f,i,j,l,a1)Boiled cauliflower salad (3,14,15,j,l)Kidney bean salad (1,2,3,4,5,f,g,l,a1)Chicken nuggets (8,i,a1)Basil dressing (1,3,9,15,c,f,g,i,l,a1)Rocket leaves marinade (3,14,15,j,l)Soy g (3, 14, 15, j, l) € 0,85 € 0,95 € 1,15 € 0,85  
Salad bar New Building (e,g)Swabian ravioli salad (1,3,9,14,15,c,f,i,j,l,a1)Boiled cauliflower salad (3,14,15,j,l)Kidney bean salad (1,2,3,4,5,f,g,l,a1)Chicken nuggets (8,i,a1)Basil dressing (1,3,9,15,c,f,g,i,l,a1)Rocket leaves marinade (3,14,15,j,l)Soy g (8, i, a1) € 0,85 € 0,95 € 1,15 € 0,85  
Salad bar New Building (e,g)Swabian ravioli salad (1,3,9,14,15,c,f,i,j,l,a1)Boiled cauliflower salad (3,14,15,j,l)Kidney bean salad (1,2,3,4,5,f,g,l,a1)Chicken nuggets (8,i,a1)Basil dressing (1,3,9,15,c,f,g,i,l,a1)Rocket leaves marinade (3,14,15,j,l)Soy g (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, f, g, l, a1) € 0,85 € 0,95 € 1,15 € 0,85  
Salad bar New Building (e,g)Swabian ravioli salad (1,3,9,14,15,c,f,i,j,l,a1)Boiled cauliflower salad (3,14,15,j,l)Kidney bean salad (1,2,3,4,5,f,g,l,a1)Chicken nuggets (8,i,a1)Basil dressing (1,3,9,15,c,f,g,i,l,a1)Rocket leaves marinade (3,14,15,j,l)Soy g (1, 3, 9, 14, 15, c, f, i, j, l, a1) € 0,85 € 0,95 € 1,15 € 0,85  
Salad bar New Building (e,g)Swabian ravioli salad (1,3,9,14,15,c,f,i,j,l,a1)Boiled cauliflower salad (3,14,15,j,l)Kidney bean salad (1,2,3,4,5,f,g,l,a1)Chicken nuggets (8,i,a1)Basil dressing (1,3,9,15,c,f,g,i,l,a1)Rocket leaves marinade (3,14,15,j,l)Soy g (f) € 0,85 € 0,95 € 1,15 € 0,85  

Tuesday, 16.04.2024

Zucchini chili with twisted wholemeal noodles (14, i, a1) € 2,40 € 3,00 € 3,70 € 2,60  
Pierogi Ruskie with fried onions and sour-cream dip (1, 3, 14, 16, c, f, g, i, a1) € 2,70 € 3,30 € 4,00 € 2,90  
Chicken breast with cucumber couscous and mint yoghurt (1, 3, 9, 15, c, f, g, i, a1) € 3,00 € 3,60 € 4,30 € 3,20   
side dish
Greek-style tomato soup (1, 14, 16, f, g, i, l) € 0,50 € 0,65 € 0,90 € 0,50  
Spring vegetables (1, 14, 16, f, g, i) € 0,65 € 0,70 € 0,90 € 0,65  
Cucumber salad with sour cream (3,g,l)Dill dressing (1,3,9,15,c,f,g,i,l,a1)Lemon marinade (3,14,15,l)Couscous curry salad with chickpeas (3,5,f,l,a1,h4)Tofu salad with sweet potatoe and zucchini (1,2,3,4,14,15,f,j,l,a1)Red cabbage salad with rocket leaves (3, 5, f, l, a1, h4) € 0,75 € 0,80 € 0,95 € 0,75  
Cucumber salad with sour cream (3,g,l)Dill dressing (1,3,9,15,c,f,g,i,l,a1)Lemon marinade (3,14,15,l)Couscous curry salad with chickpeas (3,5,f,l,a1,h4)Tofu salad with sweet potatoe and zucchini (1,2,3,4,14,15,f,j,l,a1)Red cabbage salad with rocket leaves (3, l, h1, h3) € 0,75 € 0,80 € 0,95 € 0,75  
Cucumber salad with sour cream (3,g,l)Dill dressing (1,3,9,15,c,f,g,i,l,a1)Lemon marinade (3,14,15,l)Couscous curry salad with chickpeas (3,5,f,l,a1,h4)Tofu salad with sweet potatoe and zucchini (1,2,3,4,14,15,f,j,l,a1)Red cabbage salad with rocket leaves (1, 2, 3, 4, 14, 15, f, j, l, a1) € 0,75 € 0,80 € 0,95 € 0,75  
Chips (1, 3, 14, f) € 1,00 € 1,05 € 1,20 € 1,00  
Oreo yoghurt cream with berry compote (f, g, a1) € 1,15 € 1,20 € 1,40 € 1,15  
snacks, salads €/100g
Salad bar New Building (e,g)Couscous curry salad with chickpeas (3,5,f,l,a1,h4)Red cabbage salad with rocket leaves, raisins and nuts (3,l,h1,h3)Tofu salad with sweet potatoe and zucchini (1,2,3,4,14,15,f,j,l,a1)Dill dressing (1,3,9,15,c,f,g,i,l,a1)Lemon (3, 5, f, l, a1, h4) € 0,85 € 0,95 € 1,15 € 0,85  
Salad bar New Building (e,g)Couscous curry salad with chickpeas (3,5,f,l,a1,h4)Red cabbage salad with rocket leaves, raisins and nuts (3,l,h1,h3)Tofu salad with sweet potatoe and zucchini (1,2,3,4,14,15,f,j,l,a1)Dill dressing (1,3,9,15,c,f,g,i,l,a1)Lemon (g) € 0,85 € 0,95 € 1,15 € 0,85  
Salad bar New Building (e,g)Couscous curry salad with chickpeas (3,5,f,l,a1,h4)Red cabbage salad with rocket leaves, raisins and nuts (3,l,h1,h3)Tofu salad with sweet potatoe and zucchini (1,2,3,4,14,15,f,j,l,a1)Dill dressing (1,3,9,15,c,f,g,i,l,a1)Lemon (3, l, h1, h3) € 0,85 € 0,95 € 1,15 € 0,85  
Salad bar New Building (e,g)Couscous curry salad with chickpeas (3,5,f,l,a1,h4)Red cabbage salad with rocket leaves, raisins and nuts (3,l,h1,h3)Tofu salad with sweet potatoe and zucchini (1,2,3,4,14,15,f,j,l,a1)Dill dressing (1,3,9,15,c,f,g,i,l,a1)Lemon (1, 2, 3, 4, 14, 15, f, j, l, a1) € 0,85 € 0,95 € 1,15 € 0,85  

Wednesday, 17.04.2024

Herb farfalle with vegan sauce á la Carbonara (1, 8, 14, 16, 18, f, i, a1) € 2,40 € 3,00 € 3,70 € 2,60   
Chicken breast with cucumber couscous and mint yoghurt (1, 3, 9, 15, c, f, g, i, a1) € 2,70 € 3,30 € 4,00 € 2,90  
Apple Kaiserschmarrn (1, 3, 14, 18, c, f, g, a1) € 2,70 € 3,30 € 4,00 € 2,90   
Beef herb patty with lemon rémoulade on pastasotto (1, 2, 3, 9, 14, 15, 18, c, f, g, i, j, a1, a3) € 3,00 € 3,60 € 4,30 € 3,20   
side dish
Cream of vegetable soup (1, 14, 16, f, g, i) € 0,50 € 0,65 € 0,90 € 0,50  
Carrots, kohlrabi and peas (1, 14, f, i) € 0,65 € 0,70 € 0,90 € 0,65  
Cucumber salad (3,l)Honey-mustard dressing (1,3,9,15,c,f,g,i,j,l,a1)Herb marinade with sun-dried tomatoes (3,14,15,j,l)Cucumber and melon salad with pumpkin seeds (3,5,e,l)Curry sausage salad (2,3,9,14,15,16,18,l)Greek pasta salad with mountain lentils (3 (3, l) € 0,75 € 0,80 € 0,95 € 0,75  
Cucumber salad (3,l)Honey-mustard dressing (1,3,9,15,c,f,g,i,j,l,a1)Herb marinade with sun-dried tomatoes (3,14,15,j,l)Cucumber and melon salad with pumpkin seeds (3,5,e,l)Curry sausage salad (2,3,9,14,15,16,18,l)Greek pasta salad with mountain lentils (3 (3, 14, 16, c, e, f, g, l, a1) € 0,75 € 0,80 € 0,95 € 0,75  
Cucumber salad (3,l)Honey-mustard dressing (1,3,9,15,c,f,g,i,j,l,a1)Herb marinade with sun-dried tomatoes (3,14,15,j,l)Cucumber and melon salad with pumpkin seeds (3,5,e,l)Curry sausage salad (2,3,9,14,15,16,18,l)Greek pasta salad with mountain lentils (3 (3, 5, e, l) € 0,75 € 0,80 € 0,95 € 0,75  
Chips (3) € 1,00 € 1,05 € 1,20 € 1,00  
Panna cotta with strawberry sauce (16, g) € 1,15 € 1,20 € 1,40 € 1,15  
snacks, salads €/100g
Salad bar New Building (e,g)Cucumber and melon salad with pumpkin seeds (3,5,e,l)Curry sausage salad (2,3,9,14,15,16,18,l)Greek pasta salad with mountain lentils (3,14,16,c,e,f,g,l,a1)Honey-mustard dressing (1,3,9,15,c,f,g,i,j,l,a1)Herb marinade with sun- (2, 3, 9, 14, 15, 16, 18, l) € 0,85 € 0,95 € 1,15 € 0,85  
Salad bar New Building (e,g)Cucumber and melon salad with pumpkin seeds (3,5,e,l)Curry sausage salad (2,3,9,14,15,16,18,l)Greek pasta salad with mountain lentils (3,14,16,c,e,f,g,l,a1)Honey-mustard dressing (1,3,9,15,c,f,g,i,j,l,a1)Herb marinade with sun- (3, 14, 16, c, e, f, g, l, a1) € 0,85 € 0,95 € 1,15 € 0,85  
Salad bar New Building (e,g)Cucumber and melon salad with pumpkin seeds (3,5,e,l)Curry sausage salad (2,3,9,14,15,16,18,l)Greek pasta salad with mountain lentils (3,14,16,c,e,f,g,l,a1)Honey-mustard dressing (1,3,9,15,c,f,g,i,j,l,a1)Herb marinade with sun- (3, 5, e, l) € 0,85 € 0,95 € 1,15 € 0,85  
Salad bar New Building (e,g)Cucumber and melon salad with pumpkin seeds (3,5,e,l)Curry sausage salad (2,3,9,14,15,16,18,l)Greek pasta salad with mountain lentils (3,14,16,c,e,f,g,l,a1)Honey-mustard dressing (1,3,9,15,c,f,g,i,j,l,a1)Herb marinade with sun- (a1) € 0,85 € 0,95 € 1,15 € 0,85  

Thursday, 18.04.2024

Vegetable paella (1, 3, 14, 16, f, i) € 2,40 € 3,00 € 3,70 € 2,60   
Apple Kaiserschmarrn (1, 3, 14, 18, c, f, g, a1) € 2,40 € 3,00 € 3,70 € 2,60   
Lasagne bolognese (1, 2, 14, c, f, g, i, j, a1) € 3,00 € 3,60 € 4,30 € 3,20    
side dish
Creamy kohlrabi and bell pepper ragout with oats, served on wholegrain noodles (1, 14, 16, f, g, i, a1) € 0,50 € 0,65 € 0,90 € 0,50  
Leipziger Allerlei, regional vegetable dish (1, 14, f, i) € 0,65 € 0,70 € 0,90 € 0,65  
Cucumber salad with sour cream (3,g,l)Yoghurt dressing (1,3,9,15,c,f,g,i,l,a1)Pumpkin-seed marinade (3,5,l)Wholegrain pasta salad with radicchio (2,3,5,14,l,a1)Antipasti (3,5,l)Kohlrabi Waldorf salad (1,3,9,15,c,f,g,i,a1,h3)Cabbage salad (3,l) (1, 3, 9, 15, c, f, g, i, a1, h3) € 0,75 € 0,80 € 0,95 € 0,75  
Cucumber salad with sour cream (3,g,l)Yoghurt dressing (1,3,9,15,c,f,g,i,l,a1)Pumpkin-seed marinade (3,5,l)Wholegrain pasta salad with radicchio (2,3,5,14,l,a1)Antipasti (3,5,l)Kohlrabi Waldorf salad (1,3,9,15,c,f,g,i,a1,h3)Cabbage salad (3,l) (2, 3, 5, 14, l, a1) € 0,75 € 0,80 € 0,95 € 0,75  
Twister (3, a1) € 1,00 € 1,05 € 1,20 € 1,00  
Chocolate tiramisu (8, 12, 14, 17, c, f, g, a1) € 1,15 € 1,20 € 1,40 € 1,15  
snacks, salads €/100g
Salad bar New Building (e,g)Wholegrain pasta salad with radicchio (2,3,5,14,l,a1)Antipasti (3,5,14,g,l)Kohlrabi Waldorf salad (1,3,9,15,c,f,g,i,a1,h3)Yoghurt dressing (1,3,9,15,c,f,g,i,l,a1)Pumpkin-seed marinade (3,5,l)Falafel (a1)Hummus (1,3,5,k,l)Wrap w (3, 5, 14, g, l) € 0,85 € 0,95 € 1,15 € 0,85  
Salad bar New Building (e,g)Wholegrain pasta salad with radicchio (2,3,5,14,l,a1)Antipasti (3,5,14,g,l)Kohlrabi Waldorf salad (1,3,9,15,c,f,g,i,a1,h3)Yoghurt dressing (1,3,9,15,c,f,g,i,l,a1)Pumpkin-seed marinade (3,5,l)Falafel (a1)Hummus (1,3,5,k,l)Wrap w (a1) € 0,85 € 0,95 € 1,15 € 0,85  
Salad bar New Building (e,g)Wholegrain pasta salad with radicchio (2,3,5,14,l,a1)Antipasti (3,5,14,g,l)Kohlrabi Waldorf salad (1,3,9,15,c,f,g,i,a1,h3)Yoghurt dressing (1,3,9,15,c,f,g,i,l,a1)Pumpkin-seed marinade (3,5,l)Falafel (a1)Hummus (1,3,5,k,l)Wrap w (1, 3, 9, 15, c, f, g, i, a1, h3) € 0,85 € 0,95 € 1,15 € 0,85  
Salad bar New Building (e,g)Wholegrain pasta salad with radicchio (2,3,5,14,l,a1)Antipasti (3,5,14,g,l)Kohlrabi Waldorf salad (1,3,9,15,c,f,g,i,a1,h3)Yoghurt dressing (1,3,9,15,c,f,g,i,l,a1)Pumpkin-seed marinade (3,5,l)Falafel (a1)Hummus (1,3,5,k,l)Wrap w (2, 3, 5, 14, l, a1) € 0,85 € 0,95 € 1,15