Tutor programme
Tutors are available in the student residences of the Studentenwerk Oberfranken
In the following student residences, new tutorship positions are to be filled at the earliest possible date:
- Am Eichelberg in Hof
- in all Coburg student residences
- Am Tappert in Bayreuth
- Internationale Wohnanlage in Bayreuth
To be a tutor you need organisational talent, creativity and flexibility. You should live in the student residence, have at least two more semesters of residence entitlement, good German and English language skills, social and intercultural expertise and an available time budget of ca. 6 hours/week. The main focus of your activities will be organising general educational, sports, musical and other community-building events in accordance with the tutor guidelines. These can be requested from the Studentenwerk by email or the caretaker in your student residence will show you them. Tutorship will be remunerated within the limits of the funds available.