Short Infos: (valid from WS 2022/23)

  • 50% grant
  • 50% interest-free loan (maximum repayment of up to € 10,010)
  • requirement sets from 534,00 €/month to 1.088,00 €/month
  • the maximum BAföG funding period can be exceeded by a so-called flexibility semester. It can be applied for once in either the Bachelor's or Master's degree programme.
  • a change of subject is possible up to the start of the 5th semester if there is an important reason.
  • Exempt earnings of € 556 per month (so-called mini-job), except in the case of remuneration from a compulsory/voluntary internship.
  • Introduction of a one-off study start-up grant of €1,000 (full grant for students under the age of 25 who are starting their first degree programme and received one of 8 social benefits in the month before starting their studies. It can be applied for regardless of any subsequent BAföG entitlement.
  • Exemption from the obligation to pay the licence fee possible

Ask us - we will advise you personally or by telephone on all topics relating to BAföG!